Say Bye to Costly 
Video Production

HeroVideo Introduces a brand-new revenue stream for your website, seamlessly integrating with existing ad stack.

16192 Coastal Hwy, City of Lewes, County of Sussex, Delaware, 19958

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How Our Solution Help Publishers

Turn static hero image blocks into interactive video experiences.

By integrating these features, your platform addresses multiple pain points—streamlining content creation, enhancing user engagement, and unlocking new monetization opportunities.

United States

© 2024 All rights reserved


Publisher-centric monetization solutions. Take control of your ad stack and earn maximum revenue with the industry’s highest quality demand sources and our most advanced optimization technology.

New Video Ad

Expand your reach and increase revenue by integrating premium video ads into your site. Designed for seamless integration and user experience, this inventory provides publishers with a steady and reliable stream of monetization.

Core Web Vitals Optimized

We optimize your website's ad stack to ensure peak performance in alignment with Google's Core Web Vitals. Faster loading times, better user engagement, and more ad revenue. You get all of that while keeping your audience's experience smooth.

Premium Video 
Ad Format

Our video ad formats are designed to create a high-quality viewing experience. They drive engagement while ensuring premium ad placement and optimized earnings from every impression.

Unlock new revenue with confidence

Transform your website's ad performance. Bidmatic seamlessly integrates with your existing ad stack, unlocking higher revenue potential through expert solutions.

Talk to Sales

Unlimited videos
1 Customized Video Template
Default AI Avatar
Summarized & Full Article Videos
Single Language Support
Dedicated Account Manager
Social Media Cross-Posting




Talk to Sales

Unlimited videos
Multiple Customized Video Templates
Custom AI Avatar
Summarized & Full Article Videos
Multilanguage Videos
Dedicated Account Manager
Social Media Cross-Posting
UI Customization
DSP for Managing own Ad Campaigns





100 videos per month
Default Video Template
Default AI Avatar
Summarized Article Videos
Single Language Support





Easy Integration

Automated Video Creation

Simply place our tag on your site, and we’ll manage everything, with no technical expertise required.

Pricing Plan

Immediate Monetization

Blendless Integration

Our platform instantly creates videos narrated by an AI avatar, allowing your audience the flexibility to watch a video instead of reading the article.

Our video player smoothly overlays your existing hero image, maintaining your site’s layout and user experience without interruptions.

Video ads are activated by default, opening a new revenue stream with no extra effort on your part.

HeroVideo Live Example

Social Media Expansion

We generate videos optimized for social platforms (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram), helping you expand reach, engage more users, and drive traffic back to your site.

Key Features

By integrating these features, your platform addresses multiple pain points—streamlining content creation, enhancing user engagement, and unlocking new monetization opportunities.

Relevant Video Content
Fully Automated Video Creation
Article Summarization
Multilangiage Voiceover
Custom AI Avatar
Social Media Cross-Posting


CWV Optimized
Global CDN Delivery
Premium ad format with TrueView
Bring your own demand
Deep analytics & reporting
Dedicated Account Manager


Customer Support & Analytics 

AI Generator Background

Get Started

Ready to elevate your website’s monetization and unlock new revenue streams?